
CG Message

Commissioner General's Message

The Maldives Customs Service continues to work relentlessly towards effectively meeting our mandated functions, within the compliance-facilitation grid, through continuously improving competency in human resources management, enhancing the capacity of law-enforcement and development in tandem with increasing level of technology assimilation. The target is creation and sustenance of a working environment conducive to good governance.


It is envisaged that the new Strategic Plan (2020-2024) will draw Maldives Customs Service’s Roadmap for continued improvement by collectively working towards the same goal. As such the strategic plan has been formulated on focus areas to meet the challenges posed by increase in trade and travel flow by adapting new approaches with the available resources. Accordingly, five focus areas have been identified: Human Capital Management, Organizations Strengthening, Facilitation and Risk Management, Border Security and Enforcement, and Partnership and Coordination. Each focus area will highlight the strategies and expected milestones within a given time frame.


Moreover, the current perception that customs administration is a hindrance to trade must be eliminated. MCS must embrace a “culture of trade facilitation” underpinned by effective border management and revenue optimization. The organization must assume the role of adding value to the logistics and supply chain process, as it seeks to meet the needs of its clients and stakeholders, in a timely and effective manner.


By successfully accomplishing our strategic objectives, we aspire to become a trusted and leading administration in the region. This ambitious vision no doubt calls for the highest integrity and professionalism as well as a predisposition for innovation and team play from our very staff. Hence, instilling our personnel with the right set of values through appropriate means shall be my highest priority.


I applaud the employees for their commitment to the principles of hard work and dedication while maintaining ethical standards and practices. I take this opportunity to emphasize that this institution will not tolerate inefficiency or poor performance. Neither will it any dishonorable behavior however small. I, therefore, urge my staff to ensure that their work ethics and attitude are always attuned to the vision of this prestigious institution.