N. Maafaru Customs Office Building Foundation Laid

N. Maafaru Customs Office Building Foundation Laid

As part of the government's efforts to develop the northern atolls, a ceremony was held today in N. Maafaru to lay the foundation for the Customs office building, which is set to be constructed to expand Customs services.

The special ceremony to lay the foundation of the Customs office building was held today at the designated site. The foundation was laid by Commissioner General of Customs Abdullah Shareef, Honorable Member of Parliament for N. Manadoo constituency Ahmed Haroon, and Deputy Commissioner of Customs Mahmood Riyaz. The ceremony was attended by senior Customs officials, N. Maafaru Council Vice President Mohamed Aamir, council members, representatives from the Maldives National Defence Force (MNDF), Maldives Police Service, Island Aviation, and the building contractor Future Homes Private Limited, as well as heads of government offices and institutions in Maafaru.

Speaking at the ceremony, Commissioner General of Customs Abdullah Shareef stated that the building whose foundation was laid today is an important addition to the infrastructural development of regional Customs offices. He highlighted that this office will become a crucial regional facility for the necessary Customs services. It was noted that upon completion and commencement of use of this building, it will pave the way for strengthening and expanding the services provided by Customs to traders and the general public in the northern atolls.

This 6,557 square foot building is planned to include an accommodation block and an office area. The project, awarded for 8.66 million rufiyaa, is scheduled to be completed within 540 days from the day work begins.

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Maldives Customs Service


August 24, 2023
