
Duty free shipments

Export Duty Free

As per Maldives Export/Import Law (No: 31/79), any party wishing to ެexport or re-export goods out of Maldives must be registered at Ministry of Economic Development (MED). Additionally, all goods exported or re-exported are subjected to a Revenue Fee of MRF 1 for every MRF100 worth the value of goods exported or re-exported.


For export of goods produced or originated in the Maldives, export duty is payable only for exporting ambergris from the Maldives. The export duty rate for ambergris is 50% of its F.O.B price.


Furthermore, goods re-exported from the Maldives are also not dutiable. However, goods re-exported for commercial purpose is subjected to a royalty fee of 5% on its FOB price.