
Local Courier Agents

Local Courier Agents



The company must be registered under Maldives to register as a Local Courier Agent in the Customs.


 The following documents should be submitted to Customs by the parties applying for the license of the Local Courier Agents


Application form MCS-155 Application for Registration and Cancellation for the registration of the Local Courier Agents ;
Original and a copy of the registration certificate of the Company.
Company’s board of directors’ valid National Identification Card (ID card) original and copies. (as for foreigners, original and a copy of their work permit or work permit card)



 The registration will be issued within 7 days of its application after the registration fee and annual fee is paid to Customs.


The delayed days due to unpaid fees shall not be counted in this period. And if the stipulated requirements are not met, the applicant shall be notified within 7 (seven) days of application.


The license shall be issued to the parties applying for the license, who fulfil requirements, when the registration fee and annual fee is paid to Customs as stipulated schedule 36 of this regulation.



*Note: Original documents will be immediately returned after verification..





Registration fee MVR 500
Annual Fee MVR 3500